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Sabine Vermeulen



The making of these paintings can be seen as some kind of ritual that helps me to

 archive the information that I receive daily. A way of deforming the images and

telling another story as a false truth.

 Looking for a composition and a “claire obscure” that makes the new born image

 more abstract but still recognizable. It remains a figure when you look at the

 whole picture but every detail becomes a world on his own, created by


 I find the human body extremely fascinating because of its expression and most

 certainly its perishableness.

 To capture the constantly changing and aging body, as well as the light that falls

on it for a moment, becomes the purpose. It offers a kind of comfort as if I am

able to stop time.

The position of a person tells a story and makes it easy to manipulate an image to

a different interpretation.

Human beings can move me in to both directions, admiration or disgust. They

are egocentric and although rather helpless, they rule over other creatures, often

without mercy. Sometimes cruel to each other when they do not agree.

Our emotions make us vulnerable and unable to hide, even when we behave the

opposite of how we feel inside.

This is the reason why I prefer to make portraits of people I do not know. It is

the look on the face that allows me to make up a story.

I want to obtain the effect of a realistic painting of which you will find that the

way it is painted is more interesting than the image itself and at the same time

makes you wonder what it is all about. The viewer must be challenged to make 

his or her own interpretation. Therefore I choose to give each work a title that is

not explicit. The title is my own conclusion about it as soon as the work is


Maybe we love fiction so much because we fear the truth. Our story is not never

ending as we have to live with death as the final part. So we search for

something bigger and everlasting in legends, rituals and religion. Unfortunately

this can lead to dispute and cruelty.

As religion, art and fantasy can be considered as useless, it could serve to make

us forget that we ourselves are not important at all.

My urge to create this parallel world can be a way to escape from the inevitable.

At least this is what I presume.

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